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Driving through the clouds in the Smoky Mountains

I was driving through the Smoky Mountains on Thursday and it truly was a smoky day. Have you ever driven through the clouds? No... Have you ever really driven through the clouds? I did yesterday. At some points of the drive I was in dream land because of the serene atmosphere. At other points I needed to slow down, because the visibility was lower than usual. Hey, I was driving through the clouds. What do you expect. How often can you say that? "I was driving through he clouds." Don't ever start a conversation like that one if you ever are at the dinner table. That could send the conversation into a tail spin.

I was actually reminded of my dad driving our family through the night at cetain points of my childhood. We would travel a lot to Florida for vacations to disneyland and timeshare in Orlando. I think I was/am a timeshare guy, but more of a tennessee cabin guy today. Well, he used to go down dark scary streets where only we were on the road. You know the roads. You have been down them. You never see anyone for miles. If there are no street lights or other cars, the driving can get spooky. Well, he used to turn off the lights and my siblings and I would get goose bumps. I of course had to enjoy it, because I was one of the older brothers. Shh our secret.

Truthfully, to this day, I have learned to do the same as my dad. If I am on a dark road, with a friend(s), I'll flip off the lights. Its actually not scary if you are the one doing it. Try it sometime. You will get a thrill. You can usually see the road from the moonlight. Let me know what happens. *smiles*

On a side note: If you're at all curious as to different kinds of cloud formations over the Great Smoky Mountains, have a peek here: Clouds

Oh!!! I forgot all about it...I'll give some previews....then discuss later..go here.

Questions Comments or Dropslips? Email me info@smokymtnmall.com
Christian Alexander Seus
Smoky Mountain Mall


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Smoky Mountains

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 30, 2006 12:41 AM.

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Smoky Mountain Mall