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From Guest to Cabin Owner?

If you ever decide to purchase a Tennessee mountain cabin and want to have it as a summer cabin or a winter cabin, whichever you prefer, you, as well as many other cabin owners place the cabin on a rental program to bring in cash while it is not in use. Some of you may find this unappetizing. Who was sleeping in my bed? Who was eating my pourage? I hope you know the story that I am reffering to. If not, no big deal. Have a look at this link http://www.offthemarkcartoons.com/
The very last cartoon cracks me up the most.

And some of you may feel that buying a cabin and placing it on a rental program is a way to be able to afford a summer cabin. Just think, someone else can pay your mortgage, you own a piece of property, and you could now vacation for free and have others pay your mortgage.

My message here is to cabin rental owners and potential cabin rental owners and that is to be sure to keep up with details. I can tell you specific cabins that do cater to details. I really have to pick on two items that come about most.

First, if you have a hot tub in your cabin, you need to be sure there is a step to get in and out of the hot tub. I myself have little trouble, but others will have a hard time getting in the hot tub with no steps. I know you want us to stay in your cabins and use your amenities, but this is not a good way to keep us there. You have to let others out of the tub.

Second, I notice that many cabins use basic built-well, let’s not beat around the bush many cabin rental owners use cheap blinds. Cabin rental owners need to cater to cabin rental guests. I assure you that you will have people that are urked by bent, broken, or patched up blinds. I once came across blinds that were duct taped. Can you believe that? The top of the blind was actually taped to the wall mount to prevent the whole blind system from crashing down. Invest in your blinds people. Your cabin clients, myself, come to these cabins and one of the first things we do is open the blinds. I want to see the scenery out there. I want to see the Mountains. That is why I am here, and that is why your guests come.

Try it. Go to your cabin and lift the blinds. Do they function correctly? Some of us have to work our muscles for a year in order to raise some of these cheap blind. Whats even worse is that some blinds are different colors than the same window that is right next to it. What is that about? Fix it! Details Details Details. You will bring more people back to your cabin if you get the details. There are many cabins that I can go to, so make my visit count and keep me coming back.

Questions Comments or Dropslips? Email me info@smokymtnmall.com

Christian Alexander Seus

Smoky Mountain Mall


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Smoky Mountains

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 30, 2006 12:38 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Have you ever really stopped to smell the Tennessee Smoky Mountains?.

The next post in this blog is Driving through the clouds in the Smoky Mountains.

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Smoky Mountain Mall